craft: vintage chalkboard verse

Evernote Camera Roll 20141208 211033

Like, a bazillion days ago I bought this thing at the Gresham Barn Sale.  I had no idea what I was going to do with it at the time. (this is nothing new. sorry matt.)  It used to be a pull out cutting board in someone’s kitchen. I wonder what their story was, and why it doesn’t live in that house anymore.

Anyway, I decided right away to turn it into a chalkboard with hooks.  The idea was to put a new verse on it every month or so… whatever I felt was the reminder that I needed for the month.

No, I do not freehand my writing.  Almost never.  I design on the computer, print, and trace.  So there’s that.

Psalm 145 has always been one of my favorites, so I started with that one.  And guess what?  Here we are 3 years later, and it’s still on the chalkboard.  It used to live in our garage entry in our old house, and once we moved, I decided it needed a central place in our home.  It now lives in the kitchen, right where we sit down to breakfast every morning.


I even took a picture of it with my phone, and it’s been my iPhone wallpaper for the last 3 years as well.  Why?  Because life with 3 small children calls for this reminder daily – sometimes a hundred times daily.  I actually repeat to myself out loud, “… slow to anger, slow to anger, slow to anger.”


The beautiful thing is, too, that the Lord is not just slow to anger, but on top of that, He lavishes his graciousness, compassion and rich love on us.  It’s not just the absence of anger, but the presence of these things.

It’s HARD. I want my home to be about such things.  And I need a daily reminder to do it.

Moms – what verses help you “hold it together” in life with littles?

Side note: I’ve made an 8×10 digital photo of this chalkboard.  If I made prints of it, would anyone be interested in purchasing one?

One thought on “craft: vintage chalkboard verse

  1. Darcie,
    How do you go about tracing it? I’m confused. When I think of “tracing”, I think of putting a dark print under WHITE paper & tracing over what I can see through the paper. So how does that work if you print it out & need to put it on a dark piece of wood that you can’t see through? See? I’m a mess where crafty stuff is involved. Do tell! 🙂

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