girly girl… maybe?

I lay out my daughter’s clothes for the week to save us some before-school-morning-craziness.  It’s been one of the best things I’ve done for our morning routine before school.

She has never been a girly girl.  Not interested in dressing up, cute hairdos, playing mommy with her dolls… none of that.  She loves little plastic animals (“her guys”) and stuffed animals, and playing in the dirt. (i love that.)

She got some lip gloss in her stocking this year, and last week she wanted to put it on every day.  What?!
This morning, I put her clothes on her bed to get ready, and she came out to the kitchen with a different shirt and pants in her hand, and said, “Can I wear this shirt instead?”

It wasn’t what I would have picked for her for school (for me, yes.  a ringer tee and comfy pants) but the fact that she had an opinion and wanted to choose… I said yes.  It made me smile.

It wasn’t a twirly dress or tutu, or hair bow with streaming ribbons, but I love that she’s taking ownership and she wants to make a style for herself.   We aren’t sure of the gender of baby #3 (3 more weeks!), but one the reasons I’d be excited about having another girl is another chance at “girly.”  Headbands and bows and dolls and dress up and cutesy…  stuff that she was never interested in.

But I love this little girl.  I love her personality, and the fact that she wants to wear a tee and sweatpants (like me) and play in the sand and use her imagination and create stories and draw pictures.   I love it.  I wouldn’t change it.

And if baby #3 is another boy, then our daughter can be the girliest girl that I have, and that’s fine with me.  🙂

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